Monday, 28 May 2018

Holy Spirit

In R.E we have been learning about the symbols of the Holy Spirit. This is a page in my book that has three of the seven symbols.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018


Recently in reading everyone has done a study on a country. I choose to do Canada. Here is my work.

The Life Cycle Of A Sloth

I am learning to write a life cycle of an animal.

Sloths. They are the cute slow moving animals of the South American jungle. Today I am going to tell you
all about the life cycle of these beautiful creatures.

Sloths are built to live in trees so naturally they also mate and give birth in the treetops. When a mother
gives birth she is often upside down. During the precarious birth the mother pulls the baby from her hind
legs. Other sloths make sure the baby doesn’t fall. Newborn sloths are small and they cling to their
mothers belly for weeks or even months.

Young sloths are like any young animal, they need their mothers care,protection and food. After some
time the young sloth is old enough to start eating leaves and foliage on its own. It still needs its mother's
care but it is more independent.

As an adult, sloths try to find mates. Sloths have a most peculiar way to find a mate. A female makes a
cry or wail, letting males know she is ready to mate. When a male arrives and they mate, males usually
leave and let the female take care of the baby when and if it is born.

So now you know all about the life cycle of the beautiful, slow moving sloth. But they are in danger from
threats like poaching and deforestation. We need to protect these beautiful creatures.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Roll an Answer

Today in maths we played a game called Roll an Answer. It tests the skills we have learnt this year like rounding, place value, addition and subtraction. My group did a board game about addition 

Thursday, 17 May 2018

How a pencil sharpener works

This is an explanation piece I wrote about how a pencil sharpener works. I chose this topic because I wanted to know how something little like a pencil sharpener worked.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Diary Entry

My reading group are reading books about the war. This is a diary entry I wrote as if I was a soldier at war.
The bullet in my heart

It was a hard day today. Jimmy got shot in the leg. He’s going back home and the nurses think he might survive. They got the bullet out. I spent the afternoon digging out a new trench with some of the other blokes. I’ve been here for two weeks now and it seems like more men are dying each day that goes by. I feel like the war will never end. I feel as if the rest of my life will be full of bullets, guns and trenches. As if I will never be free of this horrible world.