Tuesday 30 October 2018

Saint Poster

This term we are learning about lots of different saints. We got to choose a saint to research. I chose to do Saint Clare of Assisi. The reason I chose her was because she was the saint I chose for my Confirmation saint. Another reason I chose her was because I liked that she refused to be pushed around by her parents and by men. Here is a picture of my finished saint poster.

Thursday 25 October 2018

Possum Problems

This week my reading group read a book about possums. Once we had finished reading the article in our books we had to write lots of reasons why possums are bad for the NZ wildlife. Here are my reasons.

1. Possums eat most of our native plants and birds. This is one of the main reasons are native plants and birds/animals are becoming more and more endangered.

2. Possums can carry a disease called bovine tuberculosis which they caught from infected cows. Cows can recatch it from possums if the sniff or lick them.

3. Possums have a massive effect on wildlife so people try poison and shoot them. But there is a problem. Hunters can accidentally shoot or trap native wildlife and sometimes native wildlife eat the poison.

4. In my opinion we should try get all/most of the possums deported or try to run more over.

5. Possums are destroying our native bush. There are no predators to eat or hunt them so they roam free with no worry.

In conclusion possums are very bad for our native animals and plants. They are very dangerous and if we don't do something about them soon all our wildlife will disappear for good.

Bike Course

Yesterday and today we had a visit from Bigfoot. Bigfoot is a bike company that comes to schools to teach the Year Five and Six children bike safety. In our first lesson we didn't actually ride our bikes. It was more about learning the safety aspects so when we ride our bikes out and about we know how to be safe. Today we got  out onto the courts to put some of our learning into action. We learnt more things like ; how to indicate you are turning and which way you are turning. Another thing we learnt was how to check our bike was safe before we ride it. Here is a picture of me in action. 

Thursday 18 October 2018

My Shield

During this week we started the Kia Kaha programme. Kia Kaha is run by the New Zealand police  force and it teaches us about bullying and why its not ok. We also learn about how we are all unique and different to everyone else around us. Even though we learn about how we are different we also learn about our similarities and how to work together in a team. We made shields, on one side it said I am unique because... here we had to put why we aren't like anyone else in the world. On the other side it said Our class is special because.... here we had to put reasons our class altogether was special. Here is a picture of my shield.